Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So Why Now?

That's the question that keeps going through my mind and the mind of many that have watched the local growth continue to press as if they're going to run out of houses before people to buy them. Lancaster is at an all time high on available homes due to the MASSIVE foreclosure inventory in the area. Furthermore the Fort Worth Star Telegram sites that "Home Deals are Better but Financing Harder to Get." ( by, Andrea Jares Section C Front Page )
This brings a very interesting question to light. If home sales are declining from their record highs a few years ago as also stated, and foreclosure inventory is at an all time high coupled with more difficult financing terms...Who exactly is going to buy these Preserves boxes? Now I know there will be plenty of people lined up to stay in the apartments, and the nail salons and rent a microwave places are waiting to move into the retail slots but who's going to buy the "big" stuff. You know, the 15,000 sq. ft lot stuff? Or has that been changes too? Anyway, with a 6% drop in New Home closings this year and a product designed to entice a "more discerning" buyer, why now? There's no market existing for this development. No one coming to Lancaster and asking Ellen to take them to the exclusive section of Lancaster because they heard that Lancaster was the "place to be." No one is touting Lancaster as the next Arlington boom location. Furthermore no one wants that! How many folks can honestly say they want more people to move into such a small town. Can a city that struggles and fails to maintain it's current infrastructure *( I.E. leaking Police Department, Horrible Streets, Storm Drainage issues, etc. ) afford to build? How does that work? We have had disappearing park fees from Meadowview, invisible use of impact fees city wide, and a school system so heavily taxed both literally and figuratively that it simply can't keep up with the changes! How is 2000-2400 more people going to help that situation?
While we're on the subject of schools, how much do you think Larry's next Acropolis will cost. You realize that he'll need to build one for the southern sector don't you? By the way, with L.I.S.D. trying desperately to convince citizens that higher taxes will result in better spending habits, how will an extra 2.5 children per 2000 residential homes effect the equation? Who pays for those changes? Changes that will need to be made, expansions that will need to happen, BEFORE these folks come to Lancaster. If they're coming at all! Am I the only one that sees these things or am I just the only one that cares? If so...that's just sad. I have no vested interest in what happens there except a boiling desire to watch Steve and Tommy eat their own lies ( and possible get hit by an asteroid...) Besides that, I'll see Lancaster from time to time in joint North Texas planning issues because of other responsibilities. That being said, where are the folks from the other sections of Lancaster?
Think this won't effect you? How long do you wait at Minyards to check out? How long will you wait once 2000 plus residential homes are built. Don't forget apartments... Think they are going somewhere else to shop? Maybe but since you only have one grocery option, why wouldn't they use it. Better yet, why would anyone move somewhere with a dismal I.S.D. performance record and one grocery store? Value...that's why! You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't have growth without catalyst and the people that would consider a $300,000 home aren't going to come to an area that has so many opportunities already. So once again I ask why now?

Answer... Because these guys CAN'T AFFORD for this to fail. The question is can Lancaster afford for it to succeed?

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Do You Smell What the Developers are Cooking?

I wonder... Does anyone in Lancaster smell the meat on the fire? I'm telling you it's there and...listen carefully... it's you! The last decade has marked the most aggressive and irresponsible planning and growth in Lancaster since some old hillbilly stumbled upon the place and decided to hide ammunition in the ground. Furthermore, the growth has spawned a myriad of crimes, litter, and general distress among the longtime patrons and residents of the area. Now I'm not saying there shouldn't have been new homes built. I'm saying there should have been diversity from the start! How does a development of row after row of mini mansions come about? Through the promise of increased revenue for local businesses, better schools due to increased tax base, and further economic benefit ( none of which ever comes to fruition.) Why? Because it's always a lie. The developments in the northern sector of Dallas county don't come in with such promises because they don't have to. The development's quality and the developers integrity are apparent from the "get go" so none of that needs to be verbalized. Counsel members don't need to be buttered up, planning boards don't need to be explained to, and people don't need to be convinced. The proof is in the pudding.
The guys that are currently "doing business" with the city have;

  • sued the city over utility issues that they KNEW were moot from the beginning
  • lied to several counsel members, residents, and business owners in the area
  • cut and cleared trees in an effort to avoid fees
  • attempted influence ( both negative and positive ) over counsel
  • generally stumbled into this development like a three legged goat on "meth" ( that's slang for a home-made speed for all you church folk )
In short, they are NOT good people and approval of this development will be akin to telling a child abuser that you'd like them to care for your kids while you go to Vegas for a week! Surely Lancaster isn't this desperate, are you? Is this your "Last Chance" at quality growth? Are the likes of Tommy and Steve your only hope in dealing with residential excellence? If so God help you! Take this next statement and print it, cut it our and tape it to your windshield in your car. Look at it 5, 10, and 15 years from now and see if it rings true while you are driving around your fair town. Look at it as you view the city Lancaster is destined to become with these guys guiding your residential growth. Look through that window and then glance at these words that you would have had for such a short period of time...What a Crap Hole!

Friday, April 6, 2007

To Whom it May Concern...

After a brief conversation with Rick, I've come to realize that may of you have been offended by the use and misuse of foul language and/or the implication thereof. It is with somewhat of a mixed feeling that I address this. I genuinely feel that many of you are offended by this and for that I apologize for your feeling offended. Not for the use, mind you, but for your interpretation of it. I apologize for doing things that I didn't intend to do or for wronging someone in the course of my action. I don't apologize for the open expression of what I believe to be true or my manner of expressing it.
Please understand that this blog isn't for the masses. Who chooses to read it and who doesn't is up to those that recognize it an entertainment or diversion. For some it may even offer insight or information about a situation that they weren't aware of. It is not a forum or platform for those that would choose to use it as such. It's my emotional venting and observations about the people and things that have consumed a better part of the last three years of my life. Although I will attempt to "monitor" the unnecessary use of profanity, I will not compromise my thought or my expressions for ANYONE. In short, this isn't a blog to be guided by the wishes of any one particular faction, group, or cause.
Besides, even devout Christians can agree that Tommy and Steve, are deserving of whatever label I choose on them. Disagree? Wait until this development in south Lancaster is approved. I bet there'll be plenty of cussing coming from some of the very same people offended by mine now!

Monday, April 2, 2007


I often wondered while in Lancaster if prostitution was limited to the area surrounding the truck stops on Dallas Ave. Now I know that it isn't. Dick, can you tell the folks of Lancaster what assurances were made at your private lunch with the developers of The Preserve? Was the meal better than the conversation? Did Steve cut your steak and hand feed you your veggies? Did you both sip champagne while you decided to sell Lancaster out? I wonder. Why else does a passionate defender of resident interest turn into a mild supporter of the very same plan?
In the children's story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack (the idiot in the story) trades his family's last chance at survival (the cow) for a handful of "magic" beans. In the story, though Jack betrays his family, risks starvation, and makes a horrible trade that only a mentally challenged person would even consider...he's vindicated when the stalk arises, he kill some jack off and steals his stupid goose or something. Of course, that's a children's story. Dick, do you really believe that the beans you are being sold are magic? Do you think this development will somehow mean better prosperity to the area? I always counted you among the more intelligent, if not motivated members of counsel, but maybe I was wrong.
Does anyone listen to their constituents? Is there any counsel member brave enough to admit that they don't know what's best for the whole city and may need some input from the very people that voted them into office! Keep in mind, you represent residents of Lancaster, not rule them. I know that promises have been made, and friendships forged, but realize that these guys (Tommy and Steve) wouldn't piss on your forehead if you were on fire! Think they're on the "up and up" and not pulling the wool over your eyes? Then answer me this, where are the Eastern Red Cedars, Willows, and Oaks that were on the property last year? Who in Lancaster hasn't been screwed at least once by these guys, and finally...how do they usually get what they want? That's right. They sue or pay, pay or sue. Granted, never directly, but campaign support (or the promise thereof) and threats are the only thing they know. Have you ever heard this, "At the end of the day, either Lancaster will allow this development to pass, or we'll cut it up into 5 acres plots and sell it off to whomever wants it with no controls or restrictions." or "If they don't give this to us, we'll sit of that land and watch them rot." If you haven't, I have...
All I'm saying is who wants f&*king beans?