Friday, February 4, 2011

Unbelievable stuff... Believe it!!!

So, I'm working for a whole in the wall Restoration Company based out of Grand Prairie and I begin to see signs that the company may not be as stable as I was lead to believe at hire. People begin withdrawing 401K participation, senior managers begin looking for alternative sources of income, venders begin complaining of delayed payment... you know, the regular stuff one sees just before the boat capsizes.
I ask my incompetent supervisor "what's going on?" and receive this reply... I wrote it down directly after leaving him so that i'd remember...

"We've grown SO much that, like a kid who's run too fast for his shoes to stay on, we've run out of our shoes! It's easy to see how some might think we're struggling with pay-cuts, layoffs, and the occasional vender complaint but I can personally assure you we're doing great!"

Two days later 7 of us are without a job! Lol
So much for believing the unbelievable...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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