Thursday, December 28, 2006

Look what I found kids!

Could it be? That was the first thought I had when this link was sent to me from someone that wishes to remain "Deep Throat"ish. A "Tommy" Tompkins cleared of contempt charges in a case involving potential theft and misdealing? They mention local landmarks and people that have historically done business with him. I wonder, could it be that he's always been a crook?

Check it out Tommy's Tompkins


Anonymous said...

Close, but no cigar. Tompkins, name is Tommy Paul Tompkins. I kid you not.

Gadfly said...

"Tommy Paul Tompkins" doesn't show up in a Google search, unfortunately.

He doesn't show up much at all, but does that surprise you?

Anonymous said...

Eason Jordan didn't publish what he knew about Saddam Hussein. Joe Klein published what he knew about the Clintons as if it were fiction. Jonathan Weisman delayed publishing what he knew about John Murtha until after the Nov '06 election. And what Gordon Haire (or any other journalist covering the Lancaster "beat" )might have learned and published in Lancaster's newspaper-of-record about Tommy Tompkins was ... ?

Hmmm. And what other facts are claimed to be known by journalists and never shared with the public, via Google or otherwise. And whom might we ask?

Haire, sadly for Lancaster, was an old man; tired, going nowhere except through the motions, and getting no support from his absentee publisher. Not only a hack, but a has-been hack. (HAD-been?) Lately there's been Joanna Cattanach... *sigh*. The next Lois Lane she is not. In either case: handed a press release and a photo, FOCUS would introduce misspellings, blur the image, and publish, usually, only a print edition of the news. Since most of their print stuff was (and is) never archived to Marlon Hanson's pitiable website, it's therefore unavailable to be plagiarized via Google.

Anyhow, the fact that news about Lancaster doesn't show up on Google tells us vastly more about the news media in Lancaster, and in general, than it does about any particular character in the news.

Gadfly said...

Jeff, you can always go through with your plans to volunteer for Iraq, speaking of Hussein.

Beloved Leader needs more bodies for the sausage grinder, I mean, "surge."

Gadfly said...

Oh, Google is not perfect, and does not aggregate everything in the world, either.

Gadfly said...

I applied at the Focus as a "backup" plan lest nothing better immediately come through. Marlon said Joanna had gone to the Snooze (when I told Opal Robertson this, she said, "As what, a delivery driver?") and that she would someday be at the New York Times.

The Focus exists to be the daily newspaper equivalent of a shopper, since Marlon's previous job was as a national advertising accounts manager with the late Times-Herald. He's just a good capitalist who wants to make lots of money, that's all.