Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Randomness knows no bounds...Oh and Hi Pegasus

Yes, that's right, the Pegasus News network online has picked me up. They'll probably be sorry, but hey, we'll see. So I guess you all are expecting me to clean up, offer a more accommodating points of view, and paint Lancaster and those that do business there in a better light... Sorry. I once told a Lancaster resident (in response to a rude comment that I didn't care about Lancaster) " I most assuredly do not, Furthermore, if you lit a match on the east side of town and it burned everything up to Desoto's edge, it would only mean I'd have to get off I20 two exits earlier!" Of course I didn't mean it, I could take I35 straight to Pleasant Run also. In any case, my point was that no one doing business in Lancaster has an unfaltering love of the city. For that matter, not very many that live there do! Why would they? The city couldn't attract a grocery store if they carried them in on a golden cart like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra (great movie by the way). The schools are, well... we'll leave that one alone for now (Merry Christmas Larry). The city leadership, COME ON! There's one...maybe two people on counsel that have any foresight whatsoever beyond their own personal ambitions or agendas. One in particular has no idea what she's... (oops did I say she?) doing. Winning (if you can call it that) her last election by 100 votes or so...against nobody. I would think that working on ones approachability and accessibility would be the first move of a counsel person with such dismal response to an unchallenged election. This would build respect without placing a barrier between the constituents and their representative. (By the way, I got more than 100 votes for "Most Artistic in High School and I wasn't that good.) Yet I digress, I guess you're right Mrs. Lankford, correcting those that neglect to add "-berly" to your name may just be the answer after all.

I forgot to add a person to look for in the future of Lancaster politics;

Jeff Morgan in District 6, This guy is very similar to Marcus Knight in many ways but lacks the support of the city's "who's who" crowd. Trust me, this guy would go a long way to creating a young and intelligent counsel of the future. The great thing about it is that he's in Kimberly's district so it'll cost about as much as a Sonic "Cherry Lime-Aid" to get him elected next term!

Now, before anyone gets their feathers ruffled...keep in mind that I'm just a poor share cropper from the back woods of Georgia and these are only my observations. Albeit qualified truthful observations, still just observations.


Gadfly said...

Welcome to Pegasus and have fun, Namon.

RVPIMP said...

Thanks Steve. I'm sure they'll give me the boot sooner or later cause if Tommy or Steve poke their knobby little heads up in the southern sector again I'll really go nuts.