Thursday, December 28, 2006

Pig in a suit Part I

I guess using the word suit is a stretch because he never dresses to the occasion but anyway... It was just before the Tillotson campaign and a few invited guest were asked to have a nice lunch in Desoto to support Joe in a much anticipated ( and begged for ) race for Mayor. For reasons that still perplex me today, Tommy received an invite, and therefor me (because he was subject to piss someone off and I needed to be there to "smooth his rough edges." Oh yeah, his son also came. Why you ask? Me too!
Anyway, Tommy (true to form) proceeds to make irrelevant comments, make an embarrassingly unnecessary offer to give 20K to Joe's campaign, and complains about Lancaster, the city manager, and anything else he could think of all during the lunch. Hoping for a fire that would facilitate our expedient exit, I sat and smiled while he threw out promises like they were candy. All the while knowing he had no intention to make good. In fact, the next time you see Joe, ask him how much Tommy gave to his last campaign? You know what he'll say? He won't answer, because Joe unlike Tommy has class. I'll tell you though, (cause I don't) Nothing, Nada, Zero "zilch". Just goes to show you can't trust a Pig in a Suit...

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