Thursday, January 18, 2007

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way...

Well, though it happened at the beginning of the week, it appears that the finance guru for LISD got the boot. Ouch! Don't worry though, I'm sure that Larry stood behind you during the whole thing...waaaaay behind you. Rightfully so, I think. Over the years I've read the writings of Sun Tzu, or at least, their translations otherwise known as The Art of War. I find that there are many things that cross relate to business and some that even relate to life in general. Not as much as the word of God but it's still pretty good stuff. Anyway, through those readings you'll find reference to strategy in warfare as it relates to positions in the battle field and attack profiles. One of the most successful is to eliminate those that would support one's enemy. The second is to out flank an enemy thereby causing division and chaos. The third that applies here especially, is to create doubt among the enemy ranks.
All of these apply in relation to the systematic tear down of Larry and his support structure. Eliminate those that support his agenda, out flank him in policy and action, and create confusion among the ranks (you think teachers haven't been talking about better wages and better treatment at other districts?)
the question, grasshopper is who's the enemy? Is it me? No, I don't have kids in Lancaster, and could care less what you do. No, I think when you stop and think about it you'll find one truth to be self evident. While you might hear, "I've got your back" from those around you. What they're really saying is "I've got your my sights!" Trusting some is good, trusting all...well, just ask the Indians how that turns out.


Gadfly said...

Good points. Now, how many people take this serious enough to tear at the power structure? And it's not just paid staff that may need to be torn out. If school board members don't take this seriously, some voting out needs to be done, too.

Anonymous said...

I suspect you'll see Dr. Lewis circling the wagons soon. He can't fend off the negative issues concerning the school system forever.