Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hike and What?! Don't you mean Drainage Ditch?

What does that mean so soon after Christmas you ask? Well it means that when someone approaches me now, my first thought is,"Where's my wallet and why is this person bothering me?" Cynical? Sure, and why not? It seems that whenever someone in a position of authority or power opens their mouth it's to lie or cover up a lie, or preface a lie they're going to tell you later! No, not you Marvin E. I said positions of authority. Anyway, It came to my attention today that just such a scheme is unfolding as we you know what I mean!

Two very nice Lancaster residents, we'll call them Peggy and John ( cause that's their names ) were approached by Parks and Recreation to ask if they might be interested in helping the city initiate a "Hike and Bike" trail along the edge of their property to help connect two larger communities to the new school site location planned for the Houston School/Cedardale Area. Sounds pretty innocent right? You would think so until you realize that this very property was coveted by Steve, the owner of Adante Development and developer of the Boardwalk community for storm drainage less than six months ago! So what gives?

Am I to believe that the developer, a greedy land carver, simply gave up on the only route of adequate drainage for both his community and the new school site? it more likely that he's convinced the city that it would be in the best interest of the school, city, and community if these people just gave up the land or at least a small portion of it. Therein lies the problem. The land isn't particularly valuable except for its location in separating two large communities along a natural drainage path to Ames Rd. So why would they sell, at "market value" the portion of their property that insures its value without selling the whole piece? Yeah, I couldn't think of a reason either. Fortunately for them, they both seem very intelligent and they both realize that the city will try to stick them almost as bad as the developer.

Look out folks, what happens when a developer and a city manager's office decide they want a small chunk of your land for the "greater good?" Anyone want to place bets on a future condemnation attempt? No matter, I'll be here to call the local AP office and wake up the sleepy Metro writers at Dallas Morning. Maybe even Becky Oliver would be interested, you know the one that screams at you if you park in the handicap parking and claim you did so because you have a mental condition. Or am I the only one?


Gadfly said...

Give them a call... I gave a couple of them an e-mail about a tidbit at the high school that was passed on to me.

Because I'm moving, I won't be around to wait for an open records request, or I'd do it myself.

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